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[en] The project acts as an intervention on a pre-existing structure in order to provide arenas for various activities – subject to change in time – but also to open up the interior, connecting it with the green in the patio.
The open ground floor brings together the daily activities of the entire family. The vast space, almost free of any compartments or delimitations, offers protection from the street while linking the garden and the pool terrace with the green area in the south-east. The upper floor incorporates individual private areas, which make use of various discreetly placed elements to filter the visual communication with the outside. The last floor embodies the penthouse, which accommodates an area designed for personal body care and other sporting activities, connected to a suspended garden spanned across almost the entire terrace. In addition to restoring while reaching the green space of the patio, the terrace opens up to the wide view of the surroundings.
There is a feeling of freedom of space, of focus towards the exterior garden and of a networking system inside the interior spaces, which is provided by the transparency of the elements chosen – the terrace handrail at the upper levels. The central element of the building is the white staircase; while solving a functional purpose, that of casting natural light amid the built structure, it particularly creates a spatial connectivity by creating focal points towards special places throughout its ascendant journey. It can be perceived as a white sheet of paper pleated into a weightless cable-suspended element.
This black and white agreement does not necessarily dictate the theme of the house, rather, it is the means by which the space becomes a stage, focused on the hosted activities and exterior world alike. It follows that the space will be parasitized by daily life elements while being personalised and permanently transformed into a home.

[ro] Proiectul este o interventie pe o structura existenta, menit sa ofere o serie de spatii suport destinate diverselor activitati si evolutiei acestora in timp dar, in acelasi timp, sa desfaca spatiul interior si sa-l conecteze cu spatiul verde al curtii.
Spatiul parterului, deschis aproape complet, este destinat activitatilor zilnice ale intregii familii. Acesta este gandit aproape complet liber,
necompartimentat sau delimitat, protejat fata de strada si conectat cu grdina si terasele dinspre piscina, cu zona verde dinspre sud-est. Etajul este compus din spatii personale, individuale, atent intimizate, care filtreza prin diverse elemente relatia vizuala cu exteriorul. Ultimul nivel, cel al penthouse-ului, este destinat relaxarii si sportului si este relationat cu o gradina suspendata, care acopera aproape intrega terasa. Pe langa faptul ca intregeste si completeaza spatiul verde al curtii, terasa ofera o priveliste ampla spre imprejurimi.
Senzatia de libertate a spatiului, de orientare spre gradina exterioara si de intercontectare a spatiilor interioare este facilitata de transparenta elementelor propuse, a balustradele teraselor de la nivelele superioare. Elementul central al locuintei – scara alba are pe langa rolul strict functional, acela de a aduce lumina naturala in miezul volumului construit si de conectare spatiala prin modul in care deschide vederea asupra locurilor speciale pe tot parcursul traseului ascendent. Ea este perceputa ca un element pliat dintr-o coala alba suspendat in cabluri care aproape ca nu are greutate.
Albul si negrul nu au constituit neaparat tema acestei case ci, mai degraba mijlocul/metoda prin care spatiul sa devina un suport deschis, care lasa atentia sa cada pe activitatile gazduite si pe lumea exterioara. Ne inchipuim ca spatiul va fi “parazitat” de elementele vietii de zi cu zi si se va personaliza si transforma
permanent prin locuire.

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AUTHOR: Claudiu Toma
LOCATION: Timisoara, RO
PICTURES: Attila Wenczel, Norbert Ianko
CREDITS: archilovers.com best project 2018 , BIG SEE award – WINNER
PUBLICATION: archello.com; archilovers.com; Case din Romania 9 – ISBN 978-606-8026-59-6