[en] The concept of intervention in the urban space is based on a reorganization that keeps track of the character of the existing areas, in relation with the optimal functions that it can meet. The first step was to determine the areas of light and shadow according to the seasons and further we divided the surface according to a grid in order to define inside the site areas with different character at a scale close to the inhabitants. We used a uniform paving made of synthetic stone based on a single module in order to endow unity to the walking surface. The urban furniture is also dimensioned according to this module. For differentiating specific areas, the standard module is differently colored or consists of different materials according to the area in which it is located (yellow where the public terraces are, brick colored in the monument area, made of sand at the children’s playgrounds, planted at the green areas, of water at the fountains).
The areas of the grid become different supports for the activities of the community, and the existing green areas are kept and integrated in the new configuration. Through the definition of characteristic areas for different age categories and by using familiar images, the group can positively relate with the built environment. The proposal is trying to solve through simple procedures and modulation a variety of current problems, leaving the surface to be easily re-configured.
[ro] Conceptul de interventie asupra spatiului urban are la baza o reorganizare care tine cont de caracterul zonelor existente, pus in relatie cu functiunile optime pe care le poate îndeplini. Primul pas a fost studierea zonelor de umbra si lumina în functie de anotimpuri iar urmatorul pas a avut ca scop divizarea suprafetei urbane conform unei grile de lucru pentru a putea defini în cadrul sitului zone cu caracter diferit la scara locuitorilor. Am propus un dalaj uniform realizat din piatra sintetica bazat pe un singur modul pentru a da unitate suprafetei de calcare. Inclusiv mobilierul urban este dimensionat dupa acest modul. Pentru personalizarea zonelor specifice modulul de baza este colorat in masa diferit sau realizat din materiale diferite in functie de zona in care este localizat (galben in zona teraselor publice, caramiziu in zona monumentelor, din nisip in locurile de joaca pentru copii, vegetal in zonele verzi, ca o oglinda de apa la fantani).
Zonele grilei devin suporturi distincte pentru activitatile comunitatii, iar zonele verzi existente sunt pastrate si integrate in noua configuratie. Prin definirea unor zone caracteristice pentru categorii de varsta diferite si a unor repere si prin introducerea unor imagini familiare pentru colectiv, grupul se poate raporta pozitiv la mediul construit. Propunerea incearca sa rezolve prin procedee simple si modulare o gama variata de probleme, lasand suprafata modelabila in timp.
AUTHOR: Claudiu Toma
CREDITS: second mention