[en]The building is situated on Campiei street in Ghiroda, stretching on two borders of the plot area, to the east border and to the north limit. The solution tries to negotiate with the theme,s demands that asked for a totally enclosed exterior volume towards the main street and a complete openness towards the private garden with exterior views from the main interior areas. The volume of the building is modelled to correspond with the owner,s demands. The inclined roof of the building is not visible from the street level, and by its tilting, it focuses the whole volume towards the courtyard. The court becomes the central focus of the whole interior space, both by the orientation of the main rooms and by the structure of interior movements in order to capture exterior views. The access area has a special conformation based on a less usual relation between private and public. The intermediary access space is open towards the public exterior areas, thus the distinction is made only by the difference of level height. The access volume keeps the front position and orientation of the neighbouring buildings but the main volume is detached in order to form a straight angle between its parts. The dark colour of the entrance area was chosen in contrast with light house colour was choose in order to increase the separation between the entrance and the street (public) areas. The exterior walls are almost closed, with just minimal piercings while the interior facades orientated towards the courtyard are widely opened, in order to benefit from the green exterior views and direct sunlight. In order to control sun light radiation through a shaded plan encloses the roof shape towards the south-west, shading the interior spaces during the warm seasons but allowing exposure to direct light in cold season. The proposed shape is very simple, developing the interior-exterior relations instead of modelling a volume.
[ro]Cladirea este situata pe strada Campiei comuna Ghiroda, ocupand complet doua laturi ale terenului pe partea de est – spre strada principala si nord. Solutia incearca sa medieze tema in care se dorea un imobil complet inchis spre strada si care sa se deschida spre o curte prin toate spatiile sale principale. Intreaga volumetrie a cladirii se conformeaza acestei directii. Acoperisul inclinat al cladirii invizibil din exterior este inclinat spre curte indreptand intreaga volumetrie spre acesta. Curtea conformeaza organizarea interioara a spatiior atat prin pozitionarea spatiilor principale spre ea cat si organizarea circulatiilor interne astfel incat de-a lungul traseului sa se poata surprinde imagini exterioare. Accesul are o conformatie speciala mizand pe o relatie mai putin obisnuita a spatiilor private cu cele publice. Spatiul intermediar este deschis spre cel public fiind separat de acesta doar prin diferenta de nivel. Spatiul exterior al accesului pastreaza directia si pozitia la front a cladirilor vecine in schimb volumul inchis se retrage pentru a forma un unghi drept in zona de articulatie. Culoarea volumului ce face trecerea spre spatiile interioare, inchisa fata de volumul major este aleasa tot pentru a ajuta la separarea fata de spatiul public si pentru a detasa acesul de strada. Daca conturul exterior al volumului este aproape opac, operandu-se doar deschideri minimale, fatadele dinspre curte sunt amplu deschise, beneficiind atat de prezenta spatiului verde amenajat cat si de lumina. Pentru a modera radiatia solara acoperisul inclinat se inchide cu un plan, umbrind spatiile in zilelel insorite dar permitand iluminarea directa in timpul iernii.
Solutia aleasa este simpla incercand sa mizeze mai mult pe relatiile spatiilor cu exteriorul si lasand in plan secundar volumetria.
AUTHOR: Claudiu Toma
ADRESS: Ghiroda / Timisoara, RO