[en] An intervention is made to a small-scale amorphous building accommodating an individual house. The interventions and additions made over time created a garage and a series of annexes in different shapes and sizes, placed without any particular rule in mind. The project aims to perfect the house filling it with functional spaces while also cleansing and organising the exterior space of the patio. The main volume of the house and the garage are thus further preserved.
In the interior space, the intervention brings a spacious living area, attached to the main volume at the same time opening towards the exterior on all its three sides. The shape is so conceived in order to generate an ample interior space while directing it to the light and overlooking the exterior. Natural light is the starting point of the project; the most significant element is the screen towards the garden which allows for an opening on the entire wall. This has a double purpose: one the one hand, it facilitates the view from the living room to the exterior space of the garden, allowing natural light inside, while at the same time, it displays the daily activities on the screen of family life. Also, a generous staircase creates a direct bridge towards the exterior.
The old wing of the building, which was left unaltered, houses the night spaces and the kitchen, an area directly connected with the living room.
The building also includes an open, yet protected, space outside – an exterior living area to be used during the warm seasons. If the new living room inside is seen as an addition to the main volume of the house, the covered terrace is created to compliment the garage.
[ro] Interventia facuta asupra unui mic ansambludestructurat al unei locuinte individuale. Interventiile si adaugirile facute de-a lungul timpului au adaugat cladirii principale, un garaj si o serie de spatii anexe avand diferite forme si marimi si asezate fara o regula anume. Proiectul decide sa completeze locuinta cu spatiile functionale necesare dar, in acelasi timp sa si asaneze si sa ordoneze spatiu exterior al curtii. Astfel, sun pastrate doar volumul principal al locuintei si garajul.
Interventia facuta completeaza spatiul interior cu o zona de zi generoasa, lipita de volumul principal si deschisa spre exterior pe toate celelalte trei laturi. Forma este astfel conceputa incat sa genereze un spatiu interior cat mai generos dar in acelasi timp sa-l orienteze spre lumina si sa deschida cat mai mult vederea spre exterior. Lumina naturala joaca un rol important in solutia aleasa. Cel mai important element este deschiderea “ecran” spre gradina care permite o deschidere pe intrega suprafata a peretelui. Aceasta are un dublu rol – pe de o parte faciliteaza deschiderea livingului spre spatiu exterior al gadinii si permite patrunderea in spatiu a luminii naturale dar, in acelasi timp, inspre interior vazut, aceasta reprezinta si ecranul vietii familiei, al activitatilor zilnice, obisnuite ale familiei. O scara generoasa face legatura directa cu exteriorul.
In corpul vechi al cladirii, pastrat nemodificat se amenajeaza spatiile de noapte si bucataria, spatiu aflat in relatie directa cu zona de zi.
Ansamblul este completat de un spatiu deschis dar protejat, o zoa de zi exterioara folosita pe intrega perioada calda a anului. Daca livingul nou propus completeaza corpul principal al locuintei, terasa acoperita este conceputa in relatie cu volumul garajului.
AUTHOR: Attila Wenczel
LOCATION: Timisoara, RO
PICTURES: Attila Wenczel
EXHIBITION: BETA 2018, BNA 2018, DANS 2018
CREDIT: archilovers.com best project 2018
PUBLICATION: architizer.com; dwell.com; archilovers.com; Igloo – ISSN 1583-7688