[en] The project proposes a house built and organized around a central core. If, most of the times, this central core consists of the hearth, this time, in the centre of the house is the library that covers the central wall on two levels and the staircase. There are two elements on either side of a central wall, which together urge ascension, both physical and spiritual.
The whole space of the house thus becomes oriented according to these two elements that generate the core. The rooms located both on the ground floor and on the first floor surround it and access it, forming a continuous route through the interior space of the house.
The volume is closed to the street and to the neighbors, having parsimoniously openings placed on the white shell of the house. They are in contrast with the generous openings to the terrace area and to the green backyard, of the living room.
The living room, located on the ground floor, is the main space of the house. It opens almost completely to the backyard. This space is covered with a textile mesh, which forms an accessible surface, from the level of the upstairs walkway. This transparent intermediate level leaves visible the floor space and it also allows you to see the children’s activities. At the same time, the light penetrates from the upper level, marking throughout the day the different places of the living room.
The dining area, the kitchen and the office space close this core on the ground floor.
Once you go upstairs to the first floor, you reach the level of the bedrooms. The walkway along the library connects and separates, at the same time, the parents’ area from the children’s area. Along it, above the living room and the activities carried out on the ground floor, there is this textile mesh that leaves the children free to play in a single, multi-story living space. The net creates a connection between all family members, even if they are on different levels, they can always be together.
The limestone surface of the access yard is covered with stone, in contrast to the warm wooden surface of the living room terrace. Together with the exterior design, the house becomes a collection of places, both interior and exterior, which open to each other and communicate.
[ro] Proiectul propune o locuinta construita si organizata in jurul unui miez central. Daca, de cele mai multe ori, acest miez central este constrituit de vatra, de aceasta data, in mijloc se afla biblioteca care acopera peretele central pe doua niveluri si scara. Sunt doua elemente constituite de o parte si de alta a unui zid central, care impreuna indeamna la ascendenta, atat fizica, cat si spirituala.
Intregul spatiu al casei devine astfel orientat in functie de aceste doua elemente care constituie miezul. Camerele aflate atat la parter, cat si la nivelul etajului il inconjoara si il acceseaza, formand un traseu continuu prin spatiul interior al locuintei.
Volumul este inchis spre strada si spre vecini, avand deschideri parcimonios plasate pe invelisul alb, in contrast cu deschiderea generoasa a livingului, spre zona terasei si spre curte verde din spate. Livingul, aflat la parter, este spatiul principal al locuintei. Acesta se deschide aproape total inspre spatele curtii. Acesta spatiu este acoperit cu o plasa textila, care formeaza o suprafata accesibila, de la nivelul pasarelei de la etaj. Acest nivel intermediar transparent, lasa vizibil spatiul etajului si activitatea copiilor. Totodata, lumina patrunde dinspre nivelul superior, marcand pe intrega perioada a zilei diferitele locuri ale camerei de zi.
Locul de luat masa, bucataria si spatiul biroului inchid acest miez la nivelul parterului.
Odata parcursa scara spre etaj, se ajunge la nivelul dormitoarelor. Pasarela aflata de-a lungul bibliotecii leaga si separa inn acelasi timp zona parintilor de cea a copiilor. De-a lungul ei, deasupra livingului si activitatilor desfasurate la nivelul parterului se intinde acesta retea textila care lasa liber jocul copiilor intr-un singur spatiu de zi, etajat. Plasa creaza o legatura intre toti membrii familiei care, desi posibil aflati pe niveluri diferite, pot fi mereu impreuna.
Suprafata de calcare a curtii de acces, este acoperita cu piatra, in contrast cu spurafata calda, din lemn, a terasei livingului. Impreuna cu amenajarea exterioara, casa devine o colectie de locuri, atat interioare cat si exterioare, care se deschid unele spre altele si comunica.
AUTHOR: Attila Wenczel
ADRESS: Dumbravita / Timisoara, RO
PICTURES: Attila Wenczel
EXHIBITION: Annual Architecture Prizes 20/22, BNA 2021