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[en] The intervention on the facade can be described by three major stages: detaching the outer brick layer on the ground level, identifying the rhythm and the original character of the facade of the ground level and restoring the elements in the original spirit of the building. The character of the lower level was transformed from the appearance of a flat ground with grooves that mimic the wall embossing that lacked decoration around the windows to a appearance that was marked by vertical detachments with strong embossing and window frames/decorations on each window.

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[ro] Interventia poate fi descompusa în trei operatii majore asupra fatadei: îndepartarea placarii perimetrale de pe registrul parterului, identificarea ritmurilor si caracterului original al fatadei pentru registrul parterului si refacerea elementelor în spiritul caracterului original. Caracterul registrului parter a fost transformat de la o configuratie plata a unui câmp general tratat prin nuturi ce mimau bosaje si lipsit de elemente decorative de marcare a golurilor, la un câmp cu o configuratie marcata prin zone de decrosaj cu bosaje adânci si ancadramente/elemente decorative sub pervaz la fiecare gol.

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AUTHOR: Maja Baldea – EXT / Attila Wenczel – INT
LOCATION: Timisoara, RO
PICTURES: Marius Dumitrascu – EXT / Attila Wenczel – INT